Lawyer & Partner

International Trade Law and Intellectual Property

Bernard Colas

LL.D., Ad.E.

  • International expansion
  • International contracts
  • Strategy and Risk Management
  • Intellectual Property and International Trademark Protection
  • Economic sanctions
  • International treaties
  • Governments and international organizations

  • Conventions internationales de propriété littéraire et artistique, JurisClasseur Québec, Propriété intellectuelle, Fascicule 3.1
  • International Transfer of Clean Technologies: Mitigating Legal Obstacles, CIGI Center for International Governance Innovation, 2019
  • Le Canada et le droit international privé en matière commerciale, CIGI Center for International Governance Innovation, 2018
  • Transfer of Clean Technologies from North to South: Legal Barriers and Mitigations, CIGI Center for International Governance Innovation, 2016
  • Pour une meilleure cohérence des normes internationales, J. Brodeur, B. Colas et al., Bruylant, Éditions Yvon Blais (version anglaise publiée chez Thompson-Carswell), 2010
  • Traités et documents internationaux usuels en droit du commerce international, Wilson & Lafleur, ICC Publishing, avec Alain Prujiner, 2005
  • Organisations internationales à vocation régionale, Documentation française (*: direction d’ouvrages collectifs), 1995
  • Global Economic Co-operation: A Guide to Agreements and Organizations, Management Books, Kluwer Law and Taxation et Université des Nations Unies (*), 1994
  • Organisations internationales à vocation universelle, Documentation française (*), 1993
  • Accords économiques internationaux: répertoire des accords et des institutions, Documentation française (*), 1990
  • Chronique annuelle sur le Canada et le système financier international dans l’Annuaire canadien de droit international, 1988-2014

  • Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, Chargé de cours pour le cours « Droit des contrats internationaux – Transactions commerciales internationales 2 » au programme de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) – option droit international, 2022-2023
  • Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal, Lecturer for the course “International Contract Law – International Commercial Transactions 2” in the Master of Laws (LL.M.) program – International Law Option, 2022-2023 Business Law in a Global Context, 2019
  • École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Université du Québec à Montréal, Lecturer in the master’s program for the course “Contractual aspects of international engineering projects”, 2012-2014
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), Lecturer for the course “International Economic Law”, 2007
  • École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Lecturer in the MBA for the course “International Transaction Law”, 1994-2004
  • Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal, Lecturer for the course “Law of International Commercial Transactions”, 1996-1998
  • Sponsored by the Quebec Association for the Advancement of the United Nations (AQANU), Trainer in Cooperative Law, Haiti, 1982

  • Emeritus Lawyer distinction from the Québec Bar Association, 2020-
  • List of Binational Panel Members under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) (Annex 10- B.1), 2018-
  • Fellow Senior, CIGI Center for International Governance Innovation, 2016-
  • Ambassador Université de Sherbrooke, 2001

  • Accredited Mediator in Civil and Commercial Matters
  • Trademark Agent, Canada
  • Honorary Consul of Mauritania
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Montreal Council on Foreign Relations (MCFR)
  • Member, International Trade Experts’ Circle
  • Treasurer and Past President, Canadian Section of the International Law Association (ILA-Canada)
  • Member of the Board of Directors and Past President, International Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association
  • Member, Foundation for Legal Research
  • Membre, Québec Bar Association and Canadian Bar Association
  • Board Member, World Link for Law


French & English


Doctorate in International Economic Law, Université de Paris I, 1995

Auditor, Hague Academy of International Law, 1987

Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in International Economic Law, Université Paris I, 1985

Québec Bar Association, 1983

Bachelors of Civil Law, Université de Sherbrooke, 1982


Bernard Colas, co-founder of Affilia, is recognized for his expertise in business law, international trade law, and intellectual property, built on extensive experience both in Canada and internationally, including at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

His reputation is based on his ability to understand the specific needs and legal challenges of his clients, and to design innovative and pragmatic solutions that facilitate transactions and effectively address their business realities.

A sought-after mentor and prolific author, Bernard Colas shares his expertise through various platforms as a speaker, university lecturer, and media contributor. He is also a distinguished lawyer with the Quebec Bar, honorary consul of Mauritania, and a member of the USMCA binational panels..

For over 30 years, Bernard Colas has played a key role in supporting leaders and entrepreneurs operating technology, manufacturing, and service companies on an international level.

Bernard Colas assists his clients with financial transactions, international licenses and contracts, mediations, as well as their internationalization strategies and foreign establishment initiatives. As a trusted partner, he helps them effectively manage risks, establish solid partnerships, minimize disputes, and confidently seize business opportunities. His deep understanding of international free trade agreements, trade regulations, sanctions, and ESG standards enhances the ability of businesses to successfully navigate a complex and constantly evolving commercial environment

hange, des réglementations commerciales, des sanctions et des normes ESG, renforcent la capacité des entreprises à naviguer avec succès dans un environnement commercial complexe et en constante évolution.

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