Comparative Study on Cross-Border Litigation Costs

At the request of the Executive Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CMKZ prepared a comparative study on the real and transactional costs involved in the process of access to justice across jurisdictions.

More specifically, the study identifies attorney fees as well as other costs and expenses that a plaintiff from a country providing genetic resources would have to incur for an arbitration governed by the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce and for bringing an action against the user of these genetic resources before the courts of the USA (California), France, Japan and Brazil, where the user is domiciled. The study also covers the cost of procedures related to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and foreign judgments.

The study may be accessed: 9A_Comparative Study Litigation Costs_Biodiversity

The PowerPoint presentation may be accessed: 93_International Litigation Costs Paris Presentation_CBD (2)

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